Rosy Tint of Nostalgia
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Rosy Tint of Nostalgia

The Crossroads Program Survivor Testimony

I long considered my involvement in the Group to have been more personally beneficial than detrimental. On the occasions that I thought back on my time in Crossroads, which became more and more seldom over time, it was almost always with the rosy tint of nostalgia.

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The “Cure” Will Do More Damage Than The Disease
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The “Cure” Will Do More Damage Than The Disease

Palmer Drug Abuse Program Survivor Story: 1975 - 1980

I was one of the very first kids involved with PDAP when it came to Denver Colorado in 1975. I spent 5 years in the program and I had a lot of good times. I felt like I was "sticking with winners in order to grow." I was surrounded by my friends. I lived with PDAPers, hung out every evening with PDAPers.

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Exposing Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs
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Exposing Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs

The Insight Program Survivor Story: 2004 - 2006

Mark from Talk Beliefs hears Liz's story of her two years inside an Enthusiastic Sobriety facility, where prejudices, magical thinking, and bizarre judgments were the order of the day.

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Crossroads Survivor Interview
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Crossroads Survivor Interview

The Crossroads Program Survivor Story: 2016 - 2017

In this episode Kate and Jes sit down and chat with Anna Tripolitis. Anna shares her amazing story of how she escaped a sobriety cult. That’s right; we said cult

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Enthusiastic Sobriety Parent
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Enthusiastic Sobriety Parent

I’m a parent who was involved in an Enthusiastic Sobriety program for six years. I poured all my money, time, money, energy, money, etc., into the program. While I was determined to be that-really-gnarly-program-parent (you know, so my kid wouldn’t DIE) there were incidents from time to time that put worms in my gut.

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